

Monday, November 10, 2014

Introduction to Operations Research

Operations Research is a special branch of quantitative analysis and decision science.

For mathematicians and scientists, Operations research is majorly an experimental and applied science devoted to observing, understanding, and predicting the behavior of purposeful man-machine systems. Operations Research workers are actively engaged in applying this knowledge to practical problems in business, government, and society. 

The early developments in operations research came from the most important applications of that times, i.e. the World War. Some very development took place during the Second World War by British Military forces, when there was a need to manage scarce resources more efficiently. 

Meaning of Operations Research

Operations research consists of two words operations and research. Operations management deals with man-machine systems, i.e. production of goods and related activities, like, procurement and consumption of raw materials, assignment of work, inventory management, transportation, and distribution of finished goods. Research methodology, on the other hand, provides a systematic procedure to address a situation. It follows scientific method that consists of problem formulation, assumption, data collection, mathematical solution and interpretation. Operations Research is a set of techniques that uses scientific methodology of research in areas of operations management.

Typically, in operation research, assumption involves development of a model, which needs to solved, interpreted and validated before actual implementation. The success of the operation research methodology hugely depends upon the model.

History of Operations Research

World War I 1. 1904, the First Sea Lord of British forces Admiral John Fisher Developed Grand Design for dreadnoughts.
2. 1915, Lord Tiverton, developed strategic bombing using aeronautical forces.
3. Antiaircraft gunnery developed by A V Hill.
4. Thomas Edison, head of U S Naval Consulting Board developed statistics to aid in evasion and destruction of submarines.

Post World War I
1. In 1920s, Tizard committee developed feasibility of Radar (then called as 'death rays') with the help of the contributions from Watson-Watt.
2. In 1939, the superintendent of Telecommunications Research of Royal Air Force in Bawdsey, A P Rowe, assigned E C Williams and G A Roberts to do operational researches on the control room and communications systems. This originates the Operational research Section (ORS) Fighter Command that worked on not just radar but many other general problems during the War.

World War II
1. In 1941, Operational Research Center was established by British Air Ministry.
2. On 1942, Coastal Command of ORS, developed submarine programme under the leadership of P M S Blackett (now known as 'the father of Operations Research')
3. In 1942, Bomber Command of ORS was formed.
4. In 1943, Army Operational Research Group (AORG) was formed and made responsible for the the army operations and weapons.

During this period many contributions from mathematicians and statisticians were recognised and operations research is accepted as a field of study. It's very applied nature made it very useful for businesses. In modern times OR has contributed in almost all aspects of business and social studies.

Operations Research Models

It is a theoretical or physical representation of the actual outcome of a problem in hand. In any research, the word problem is linked to any opportunity or challenge posed by its environment.

Most of the topics in operations research based are based on mathematical models.

Next: Linear Programming Problem

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