

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Coding the Data

Before Coding the data delete all the irrelevant columns. The final worksheet is ready for coding.
This file has two sheets. First has the form responses directly imported from google docs and second sheet is the file ready for coding (after deleting columns like timestamp, name of the respondent, etc).

Step I: Define the name of the Variables

We need to name the questions as variables as in SPSS there is a strict format of variable. Select the first row of the sheet, right click and copy
Add a new sheet and name it as variables. In the B Column of the Variables sheet right click, paste special. Check Transpose.

Define all the variables.
Now, copy the variables and paste its transpose in the sheet1.

Step II. Coding the Variables


Use Find and Replace (Ctrl F) feature to change Female to 2 and Male to 1


Undergraduate - 1 , Graduate - 2, Post Graduate - 3, Phd - 4 and Others - 5


Working Professional - 1, Service Provider- 2,  Entrepreneur - 3, Management Trainee - 4 and Student - 5

How do you spend leisure time?

Always - 5, Sometimes - 4, Occasionally - 3, Rarely - 2 and Never - 1

What Motivates you to Buy?

I buy goods and services to fulfill my basic needs - 1
I buy products for comfort and convenience - 2
I buy to enhance my status - 3
I buy new and exciting products - 4
I don't need any motivation for my purchases - 5

How particular are you in following category?

I prefer only one brand - 5
I prefer few brands - 4
I am not brand conscious - 3
I look for offers and discounts - 2
I don't buy them - 1

What is your Selfie Quotient

I click a Selfie atleast 5 times a day - 5
I click a Selfie once a day - 4
I may be clicking a Selfie once a week - 3
I don't remember when last I clicked a Selfie - 2
What is Selfie? - 1

Selfie and You

Yes, I am not a Selfie person - 0
No, I am very much into Selfies - 1

People Click Selfie Because

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2 and Strongly Disagree - 1

The Sheet is ready for SPSS

Step III. Opening the file in SPSS

Save and close the excel file. Open SPSS.

Check on Open an existing data source and press OK.
Change the Files of Type to Excel (.xls, xlsx,xlsm) and select the file from the location where it is saved.